Sanandh Chapter 20.4

… Continued from Sanandh Chapter 20.3

20:13 - 
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-13

"Why do "ujju"? Why do "Nimaaz"? Why call for prayers?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The answer to “Why do ujju”? is - simply for purification. We wash our hands, face and feet just for external purity. But it is to be kept in mind that Mummins are the ones to do “ujju” in Kauthar because they have their divine bodies in Paradise where the water of Kauthar is whiter than milk. It is impossible for the actors of Dream to do ujju in Kauthar. That makes Mummins super special than the peoples of the Earth. Mummins are the only ones to have complete faith in Mahamati Prannath. And thus their internal purity is beyond speech.  
Now, moving onto the next question – Why do Nimaaz?-  As we all know that there is no other way to get closer to God other than by doing prayers. Therefore, please don’t skip prayers if you want to be nearer to God. Mummins are the ones who left everything they had just to follow Mahamati Prannath. Hence, their life automatically became Nimaaz. No matter what activities they did, it automatically became Nimaaz because they had only Allah in their hearts. The Nimaaz that Mahamati Prannath taught to his mummins is completely different from the Nimaaz enforced by the Koranic Shariah. And remember that Imam Mahdi had also arrived to revive Islam in its original state. That also includes new Nimaaz!
Finally, the answer to the third question – “Why call for prayers?” goes like this: The call for prayers internally alerts a believer that there is Allah who is constantly watching all of us. In a deeper sense, call for prayers are made in order to alert a believer that there is no true way of living other than Islam.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-14

"Why giving hardships to physical organs while "Roza" in "Ramzaan"?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The answer to the question is - to have control over one’s own physical organs as well as feelings. And it is to be kept in mind that “physical organs” and “feelings”, both are the biggest weapons among Satan’s arsenal of arms. And practicing Roza is the only way of winning Satan.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-15

"Why follow "Sunnat? Why keep physical organs under control?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The answer to the first question is - to be a well disciplined person in the eyes of God. And the answer to the second question is answered in verse 14.)
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-16

"Why do "Tasbih"? Why to say names of Allah?" All All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: Tasbih means to say Subhaan’Allah, Alhamdu-lillah and Allahuakbar. Now, the whole idea behind doing Tasbih is to remember God. And by saying the names of Allah, we can remember God in one great fashion.
Now, the time period of the revelations of the holy verses by Imam Mahdi is 33 years i.e. from the Indian year 1715 B.S. to 1748 B.S. And the prophet of Allah previously ordered to do Tasbih for 33 times. Now, that’s a coincidence of number 33. A deeper view in the wisdom given by Mahamati also shows greater coincidences of the number 70 in major Islamic scenarios which will prove Mahamati as the promised Imam. But I shall come to that later.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-17

"Why fear Allah? Why not fear Allah? Upon repentance, Why God forgives and mercies even a killer?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: A believer should always fear Allah because it’s simply Allah’s command to have fear of him. Having Fear of Allah is about having faith in Allah. On the other hand, when a believer’s heart becomes the throne of Allah then the believer is supplied with unbreakable bliss of God’s love. And we also have to keep in mind that God is Love and Love is totally not about Fear. Therefore, it also becomes unnecessary for a believer to fear Allah.
The answer to the third question is very simple. The God of Islam is the most beneficent and the most merciful. That is why Allah forgives anybody upon true repentance.)
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-18

"What and what not to eat? What and what not to drink? What and what not to listen?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: Now, In Islam things that are defined as Halal should be consumed and those defined as Haram should not be consumed. Now, as the part of restating Islam, Mahamati Prannath has changed the rule of Halal and Haram in Islam. Those who take my words cautiously, listen to me very carefully. The following things are strictly Haram in the Islam of Allah:
-         Consumption of flesh of any animals whether living or dead.
-         Consumption of alcohol in any form.
-         Smoking in any form.
-         Prostitution and theft.
This means a Mummin must be strictly vegetarian, non-drinker, non-smoker and as well as full of superior moral character.
Likewise, listening to bogus non-Islamic ideas is also Haram in Islam.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-19

"What wisdom to take? What wisdom to leave? What is wisdom?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The answer to the first question is quite simple. A believer should always take the wisdom of Koran. That also means a believer should also take wisdom given by Mahamati Prannath by acknowledging him as Imam Mahdi. Similarly, a believer should leave the false wisdom. False wisdoms are non-Koranic wisdoms that always mislead us in the end.
Finally, how do we define the word “wisdom”? … Well, to speak honestly, I do not want to debate on how the world defines “wisdom”. But the fact is that I’ve acknowledged the wisdom of Mahamati Prannath and everything except the wisdom of Mahamati totally seems ignorance to me.)
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-20

"What is beneficial? What is harmful? Why "Azaan" for prayers?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: As I have already mentioned in my previous posts, being in Islam is beneficial in this life and in the hereafter as well. And opposite to that, not being is Islam is harmful both in this life and in the hereafter. And if you are a person who might probably not believe in the hereafter or even the existence of God I have got to say something to you people - This is the wisdom of Mahamati and this is for real and it is just a matter of time before words of Mahamati Pranath would be scientifically proven!
Now, the answer to the question – “Why Azaan for prayers” goes like this. Now, all of us know that before prayers, Azaan is called. Now, according to the wisdom given by Mahamati, Azaan is called in order to warn the believers about Nimaaz. In a much deeper sense, Allah ordered for Azaan so that the mummins of Allah would not forget their Lord in the deceptive pleasures and pain of this material world.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-21

"Who is not yours? Who is yours? Why is everybody equal?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The answer to the first question here is EVERYBODY. Humans live in relationships. However, humans are too oblivious of the fact that nobody belongs to none. Now, the primary agenda of Mahamati Prannath is to totally disintegrate worldly relationships and bind his believers with himself in a true spiritual relationship. Therefore, for a believer, there is none truly related to oneself besides God himself.
Only God should be viewed superior. Relationships like Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter etc. should not be given higher priority than the relationship of truth with God. Therefore, everybody besides God should be viewed equally in this case. And that answers our third question here.)
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-22

"What Godly (Haq)? What ungodly (Haram)? What is profit? And what is loss?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: Haq or Godly is following the commands of Mahamati. On the opposite, being ungodly is not following Mahamati. And I have already talked about true profit and true loss in the previous verses.)
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-23

"Why are we born? Why do we die? How do we find Allah in the state of pain?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: Birth and death are natural occurrences that everybody has to go through. And it is to be kept in mind that it is only possible to find God in troubles rather than in pleasures. Now, all these facts are revealed by Imam Mahdi in this book of Sanandh.)

Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Verse 20-24

"On the one side there is this world which is merely a play theatre. On the other side, there are Mummins who are witnessing the play of the theatre. But why is one merely a play and the other spectator?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: Please read my previous posts to get a clear answer on these questions. You shall get more of information on Mahamati and his Mummins in my further posts.)

To be continued …