For the sake of the spirits - Sanandh Chapter 22.5 Traits of spirits of Arsh

22:53 - Mahamat says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 53  

I’m awakening you and that will be your assessment. In many ways, master Allah conducts test of the spirits of Arsh.”
[Author’s Note: Who will awake quickly? ... That definitely would be the test for the believers. The spirits of Arsh stand tall by bringing faith in Mahamati Prannath and by fighting with Satan in every corner of their lives!

22:54 - Mahamat says to the mass of his followers,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 54

“If your organs are not still enthusiastic even after listening to my words, then remember that Aashiq (Haq) and Mashooq (Hadi) are watching everything - including the strength of your Ishq.”
[Author’s Note: Now, this is a little difficult verse to explain. The inner meanings of these sorts of verses which contain words like “Aashiq, Mashooq and Ishq” usually don’t come fluently in English language. To talk about “Aashiq, Mashooq and Ishq”, one needs to jump to the level of the knowledge of Marfaat. And the wisdom of Marfaat can only be perceived in its original sense only in Hindi language and no other language other than Hindi.
Remember how the spirits of Arsh together ego-ed that their Ishq (i.e. the love of God) is greater than their Lord’s Ishq  ...  Now it’s time to prove those words into reality (if you are the spirit of Arsh)!
You know, skip this part if this confuses you ... This verse is exclusively for the mass of the spirits of Arsh only who had all promised to not forget their Lord Allah upon descending in this material world ...

22:55 - Mahamat says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 55

“Even after listening to this, whosoever doesn’t start running - then let them be the character of laugh. How much Ishq that is contained within them, shall now be exposed!
[Author’s Note: The following is the message to all the spirits of Arsh:
Who wants to awake first in Lahut by taking the wisdom of Mahamati Prannath? ... You?   
... See? ... This is called the race of Ishq (i.e. the love of God). Are you willingly participating in it? ... Do you want to win it? ... Or, do you want to easily be a laughing stock by not participating in it? ... It’s totally up to you ... What do you prefer after waking up in Lahut – shame or respect? ... If you want respect in Lahut, then don’t give a damn to this worldly life and totally destroy your worldly self by purely walking in the path of Ishq shown by Mahamati Prannath.  

22:56 - Mahamat says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 56

Those who take Ishq and find Allah, they will take gigantic bliss. Understand this as a fact - without ache you will find only sadness.”
[Author’s Note: This verse complements its previous verse. This verse is the message to those who will not willingly participate in the race of Ishq (i.e. the love of God) that I had just talked about in the previous verse 22:55.
And one more thing – no pain, no gain!

22:57 - Mahamat continues,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 57

Those who stayed in this falseness and didn’t awaken by giving their fullest of hearts, they will not be able to take here any advantage of either deen (religion) or the dunya (world).”
[Author’s Note: The message from the verse 22:56 continues to this verse. And the decision is yours to make. Its religion of Mahamati Prannath Vs the world (or deen aakhiraat Vs dunya)! Choose the best.
Be smart. That’s all I can say here.

22:58 - Mahamat continues more,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 58

“Since those are unable to take any advantage. That’s why only laughter will be left in front of the other Mommins (in Lahut). I warn those Mommins of Arsh who becomes the character of that laugh!”
[Author’s Note: This verse continues from 22:57. This highlights the warning message of Mahamati Prannath to his fellow Mommins to not lose the advantage of both deen (religion) and dunya (world) otherwise they will be the character of laugh (in this world) and also when they would wake later in Lahut during the resurrection at Qiyamat.

22:59 - Mahamat continues,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 59

“Those Mommins who still feel sadness because of this laughter, that sadness isn’t that bad for you, the spirits, since that makes you recall your true happiness.”
[Author’s Note: This verse continues dependently from verse 22:58.
Worldly misery is only an illusion and hence just a thing of laughter!
Worldly sadness and troubles aren’t that bad. After all, everybody remembers Allah only in the times of troubles.
In this verse, “true happiness” refers to the happiness of Lahut (but not this material world). True happiness of Lahut can’t be described in words and could only be experienced via the wisdom of Mahamati Prannath!

22:60 - Mahamat continues,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 60

If not, then that tongue, via which I explain this sadness, let me chop that tongue into several pieces. That’s why I sob in many different ways for the sake of the spirits.”  
[Author’s Note: This verse continues from its previous verse 22:59.
This verse describes the emotion of Imam Mahdi who cries because of the pain suffered by the spirits of Lahut.
We are in pain, and our Lord cries! ... see? That’s our Lord Prannath!

22:61 - Mahamat says to all of his believers,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 61

You and I are of Arsh-e-Ajeem and thus our spirits are not two! So, if my Ruhs (the spirits) are sad, then what happiness could I have?”
[Author’s Note: There only exists Wahidaat (or oneness) in the realm of Arsh-e-Ajeem (i.e. one hearted). Hence, our spirits can never be separated.

22:62 - Mahamat addresses to the mass of his followers,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 62

At first, the master (Allah) showed you this play of falseness. Then he showed to you the deen (religion) of Muhammad. Then, by revealing the meanings of Qalma, he made you bring faith.”
[Author’s Note: ... And that is how the Mommins had brought faith (or say bring faith) in his religion. And that is their tradition! ... Always keep that in mind - always!

22:63 - Mahamat says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath Chapter 22 Verse 63

“I have said to you some little explicit meanings revealed in the Quran. Now, I’m revealing to you some more mysteries (of the Quran) for each and every spirits of homeArsh.”
[Author’s Note: Please refer to previous chapters.
This verse ends this chapter 22 and sets up a new starting point for the next upcoming chapter 23.