Meaning of Arsh

This is Prayatna, the author of this blog. Welcome all the readers out there right now. In this post, I’m briefly talking about an Islamic word Arsh that has been extensively used in the holy book of Sanandh and also in the other books of Mahamati’s revelations.

So, have you ever heard the Islamic/Arabic word Arsh?
Hmmm … In Devanagari script - अर्स (transliterated as Arsh, roughly pronounce it as urse, rhymes with nurse) is an Islamic word.
In the context of the revelations done by Mahamati, the Mahdi himself, the word possesses the following different meanings:
1.   Arsh means the heaven of Allah. And by the heaven of Allah, I mean that place where Allah dwells and whose understanding is beyond ordinary human mind’s reach. Moreover, in some parts of the revelations of Mahamati, it is also termed as Arsh-e-Ajeem (or meaning huge sky).
According to the noble Quran, the heart of a believer is the Arsh (the heaven of Allah).

2.  Arsh also means the throne of Allah that lies in the heaven of Allah. Thus, Arsh lies in Arsh. Got it?

3.  Arsh means sky - the firmament that covers every realm that exists in the Lord’s creation.
Hence, according to Islam, we can say that – during the night of ascension, prophet Muhammed ascended seven different Arshs (simply plural of Arsh) one by one before entering the Arsh of Sidra-tul-muntaha and then reaching the Arsh (heaven of Allah or Lahut) and finally appearing right before Allah’s Arsh (throne of Allah)! Wonderful, isn’t it?

I urge all the readers to remember what I’ve mentioned above. The upcoming posts from the chapters of Sanandh include the usage of word Arsh quite several times. Therefore, I don’t want you, the readers, to be confused whenever I use the word Arsh in my upcoming posts.

Finally, this is an open challenge from the only active online speaker (so to speak rightfully at this point of time) of the 73rd sector of Islam (i.e. the sector of Imam Mahdi) to the entire world that –
Islam is a religion whose biggest proof of its truthfulness is the establishment of Islam of Mahdi i.e. the faith of Mahamati Prannath itself during the stern and ruthless Islamic Sharian reign of the final Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (who remorsefully admitted in not recognizing Mahamati Prannath as Imam Mahdi in his final letter as his final words)!
If you don’t believe in what I had just said then go and turn the pages of history for yourself. Emperor Aurangzeb was a believer or Mommin of Arsh and yet Dajjal, the Satan, was successful in not letting the emperor publicly acknowledge Mahamati Prannath as the final Imam.

So, don’t you dare defy the words of Mahamati Prannath like the Kafirs of Mecca would defy Rasul’s word 1400 years before! Don’t you dare shut your eyes and ears and hearts even after listening to this!

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