Sanandh Chapter 21.2 Muslim’s living – Grasp the explicit meanings of the Quran

… Continued from Sanandh Chapter 21.1

Sanandh Chapter 21.2 Muslim’s living – Grasp the explicit meanings of the Quran

21:6 – Mahamati Prannath says to his Mommins,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Chapter 21 - Verse 6

At first, you forgot everything and I should speak truth to you. Decide with Quran (Noor of Allah) in your hands and you shall observe that everybody dissolved in deceit.”
[Author’s Note: Mommins forgot everything after they descended from Lahut to Nasut. Lahut  is the abode of Allah and the spirits while Nasut is the realm of Earth itself. Mommins engaged themselves into world totally and they even forgot their identity that they had descended from Lahut.
Before Mommins came into the feet of Mahamati Prannath Imam Mohammed Mahdi, they had totally dissolved into worldly activities forgetting their Allah. The Quran teaches us not to forget Allah and Islam by getting totally engaged into worldly activities that is only full of deceit. And that is the point of this particular verse. So my question to you out there - are you ignorantly dissolved in deceit?

21:7 - Mahamati continues,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Chapter 21 - Verse 7

“The Quran (decree) which is now in your hands says that Allah had mercily given the Quran to Rasul. And the Quran explicitly stated to you all to remember Allah and yet you forgot Allah.”
[Author’s Note: Before the Mommins came to the feet of Imam Mahdi, they used to not remember Allah.
A Mommin (the true believer) is the one who remembers Allah abundantly!

21:8 – Mahamati Prannath further says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Chapter 21 - Verse 8

“The Quran was revealed explicitly to you. Till this day, nobody understood the hidden meanings of Koran. Now I shall acquaint you with Quran’s good identity. “
[Author’s Note: Nobody in the world ever knew the true meanings of the Quran before the arrival of Isa Ruh Allah. Now, Imam Mahdi Mahamati Prannath himself is starting to reveal Quran’s good identity to the mass of his follower Mommins.

21:9 – Mahamati says,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Chapter 21 - Verse 9

“I am not being showy on the outside for I am telling to you the good knowledge that acquaints you with your spiritual abode so that everybody may hold onto the feet of Imam.”
[Author’s Note: Keep in mind that Mahamati is revealing the inner of hidden meanings of the Quran. People in this world who know the Quran only know the explicit meanings but not the inner meanings.
The wisdom of Mahamati acquaints us all with the spiritual abode of Lahut, which in fact is the home of Mommins of Mahamati Prannath. The full details of “how Lahut is?” can be found in the other books of Mahamati Prannath but not in the book of Sanandh here. Remember that Sanandh is only one of the 14 books revealed by Mahamati Prannath that were later compiled and integrated to be termed as “Kuljam Swaroop (say it as cool-zum sow-roop) or कुलजम स्वरूप in the Devnagari script.”  It is just like saying that - Exodus is one of the 5 books of the holy Torah, okay?
I shall be revealing more about the “Kuljam Swaroop” later whenever I think is necessary.

21:10 – Mahamati Prannath says to his mass,
Sanandh by Mahamati Prannath - Chapter 21 - Verse 10

“The Rasul of Allah had previously revealed to you the teachings of Quran and despite of that, you were unable to grasp the explicit meanings of the Quran which now I’m about to say to you a little.”
[Author’s Note: With this passage, we now have officially entered the theme of this chapter 21of the book of Sanandh. From this point on, I hope that we all shall at least have a glance of the Quran from an entirely different logical perspective! Please wait for my next posts for more on that!

To be continued …

“All thanks to those who had finished reading my article. May God mercy all of us and provide us with the ability to comprehend more on the wisdom of Sanandh.”
-         Author Prayatna