Sanandh Chapter 20.3

… Continued from Sanandh Chapter 20.2

20:10 - 
Sanandh Verse 20_10

"What are the differences between three sorts of spirts? What are the places of their origin? (Author’s Note: Rhetorical in tone)" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: ‘Tartam’ is a Hindi term for the knowledge given by Mahamati. Well, according to the knowledge of Tartam, there are two categories of people in this earth. They are the believers of Mahamati Prannath and non-believers of Mahamati Prannath. Now, the believers are further categorized into two sub-categories. So, that makes altogether three categories of people in this earth. Let me list them one by one:
1.     Those people whose spirits descended from the heaven of Allah: They belong to the group of true believers. They are altogether 12000 in number.
These spirits are closest to Allah and therefore called Mummins. They are from reality NOT DREAM!
2.     Those people whose spirits descended from the Sidratul-Muntaha:  They also belong to the group of believers. They are altogether 24000 in number.
These spirits are nearer to Allah but not like that of the Mummins. They are also NOT FROM DREAM!
3.     Those people whose spirits were created when Allah commanded the world to be: When Allah said KUN FAYA KUN (Arabic), these people were created. The number of this category of people is countless. These people are not from reality. These people are simply the actors of DREAM! (See previous posts.)

That explains some of the basic differences between three sorts of spirits and the places of their origin. And note that the two categories of believers started to descend in this world only after 990 years after the death of Rasul of Allah. 990 years after the demise of Rasul marked the beginning of Lailtul-Qadr which I shall come later. And similar to previous verses, the questions posed in this verse also are rhetorical in tone.)

20:11 - 
Sanandh Verse 20_11

"Why love is essential in Islam? Why prayers are essential in Islam? Why material love is falseness?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The questions are Rhetorical in tone. And the answer to the first question – “Why love is essential in Islam?” is quite simple. Love and God are synonymous. Hence, for a believer to experience oneness with God then there is no other way than the way of love. The path of Love way surpasses even the path of Shariah. By the path of Love, I solely mean “the path shown by Mahamati” himself.
For the second question – “Why prayers are essential in Islam?” is also simple. The answer is – “to experience the love of God”. You know, the God is never far for those who believe in him. And there is no other way for a believer to be closer to God other than by praying and remembering God.
Finally, the answer to the third question – “Why material love is falseness?” goes like this: Material love makes us to forget the God. By material love, I mean the love that exists in nature in every form of human relationships like Mother, Father, Son, daughter, friends, etc. When we forget the Lord, we get far from the God and thus we are deprived of the love of God. And it is very difficult for the people of the Earth to understand this. The followers of Mahamati Prannath gave up every material relationship. Further, they submitted their lives to Mahamati himself. Now, that’s Love, Prayers and Submission towards God!)

Sanandh Verse 20_12

"Why being pure (pak) and How to be pure? What is being unholy? Why living according to the command of the Koran?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi revealing the meanings of the Koran.
(Author’s Note: The questions in this whole chapter are Rhetorical and then answered by Mahamati himself. Now, the answer to the first question – “Why being pure and How to be pure?” goes like this: A believer should always stay pure from the outside. This can be done by practicing Shariah. While to attain internal purity, a believer should always have faith in God. And internal purity is never possible without having faith in the words of Mahamati Prannath. Like it or not! Having disbelief in the words of Mahamati is being the greatest unholy! That answers our second question – “What is being unholy?”
The answer to the third question – “Why living according to the command of the Koran?” is very simple. “It’s simply the command of Allah and we must follow it”. Without living Islam, one could never know the depth of Islam. And by Islam, I also mean to say – “the way of living shown by Mahamati Prannath”.)

Today is 16th of December 2012 when I am writing this post and I am stating this fact to the readers out there. The rumor of the end of the world in 21st December, 2012 is nothing but a pure deceit. It is because the world is supposed to be destructed only by the sound of the trumpet blown by the angel Israfeel. This means that the world will not end until the world listens to the voice of Mahamati Prannath. Remember that the religion of Mahamati Prannath is yet to dominate the entire world.

To be continued …