Sanandh Chapter 19.1

 CHAPTER 19: Name of the Chapter - "Sanandh of Qalma"

(Author’s Note: The chapter contains 40 verses. This chapter is about Qalma which is one of the five pillars of Islam.)

19:1 Mahamati Prannath says to Mummins - 
Sanandh Verse 19_1
  Now that you have seen this deceitful world and their deceitful religions, I am going to express the hidden meanings of Islam. You Mummins, are the only ones to have complete knowledge about this fact.
(Author’s Note: Here “deceitful religions” refer to any other religions except “Nijananda Sampradaya”.) 
 Sanandh Verse 19_2
There existed such darkness in this world that nothing seemed clear. In such a dark world, the Jammat(i.e group) of the Ruh(the spirits of Lail-tul-qadr) had arrived.
(Author’s Note: Here, the “spirts” refer to those people who were with Mahamati Prannath following Nijananda Sampradaya during his life NOT the peoples who claim to have spirit of lail-tul-qadr within them today.) 

19:3 -
Sanandh Verse 19_3
 These spirits demanded to watch the play of world with Allah and thus they descended from their home (of Arsh-ul-ajeem) to this world. This world has been created for you my Mummins. Please do not doubt on that.
(Author’s Note: Here, Arsh-ul-ajeem is the promised paradise of the Mummins. And Allah created this world for his Mummins so that they would witness falseness that existed only in this material world but not in the heaven of Allah.
This means that this world that we live currently is nothing but a drama where the nature itself is a theatre while billions of creatures (including Humans) inside of it are merely actors of the stage.) 

19:4 -
Sanandh Verse 19_4

 This world has been created for the spirits (Rooh). They shall return to their home of Arsh-ul-ajeem after watching the play of material world Earth. After returning to their home, they will talk (with Allah) about the play that they had watched in this material world.
(Author’s Note: Rooh(s) are the Mummins of Allah but not any ordinary people of this Earth. These people are the followers of Mahamati Prannath only.)

19:5 -
Sanandh Verse 19_5

 I shall further enlighten to you about Mummins and about their home (heaven of God) later. But for now, I shall enlighten you about our nice deen(i.e.religion of Islam), the very path that was initiated by Rasul of Allah.
(Author’s Note: Here, the word later in the first line would mean – “in the upcoming revelations.”)