Sanandh Chapter 20.9

Hello readers.
This is the final section of my writing of the 20th chapter of Sanandh... 

… Continued from Sanandh Chapter 20.8


"What is Noor? What is Noor-tajallah? Why Arsh-ajeem is the home of spirits? And Why Allah is our master?" All of these questions shall be answered by Imam Mahdi for the sake of you Mummins.
(Author’s Note: Noor is the divine light that exists in the realm of Jabrut and Lahut only. However, the level of Noor is bigger in the realm of Lahut than in Jabrut. Therefore, the Noor of Lahut is known as Noor-tajallah. Nevertheless, it is to be kept in mind that Noor doesn’t exist in the Earth or in this universe which is just only a dream.
Arsh-ajeem is the home of the spirits because the original bodies of Mummins remain in the Arsh-ajeem. And Allah is our master because we run according to the command of Allah, the creator.)


The world talks about worldly talks as far as they could do. However, it is Imam Mahdi who knows the secrets of Lail-tul-qadr (the night of honor). And without unraveling Lail-tul-qadr, why and how will the Koran be demystified?
(Author’s Note: Keep in mind that Lail-tul-qadr or the night of honor is not exactly an Earthly night. Actually, it is the time period that started right from the advent of Ruh Allah and continued till the completion of the revelation of the words of Marifaat by Imam Mahdi himself and continued on for some more years. And the time period of which is 120 years.
And the night of honor is said to be better than thousand months because 120 years is greater than 83 years and 4 months!! 
To be precise, the night of honor is simply the time period between 1000 Hijri years and its following 120 years.
According to Quran 34:30, Allah had promised a timeline of a day for the beginning of the resurrection day which is simply equivalent to 1000 human years as per Quran. 
And it is to be noted that millions of Muslims around the world are still searching for the night of honor out of ignorance of the fact of the arrival of the listed following during the period of those 120 years as: –
1. Rasul Muhammed
2. Isa Ruh Allah
3. Imam Mahdi  
4. Israfil angel
5. Jibril angel
6. Satan
7. Mummins (the spirits of Lahut) and
8. Muttaqins (referred to as the angelic spirits (simply angels) as per Quran)
There is a belief in the Islamic community that the 27th night of Ramdan is generally Lail-tul-qadr or the night of honor. But it is not so!)


Now, if meaningful answers to all these questions asked here (Author’s note: “here” refers to the chapter 20) were previously revealed, even a bit, by the prophet of Allah, then as the result, wouldn’t the arrival of Imam Mahdi would have been pointless and who would had done the task of doing the judgment of the world at the Day of Judgment?
(Author’s Note: Remember that Imam Mahdi or Mahamati Prannath had arrived for the purpose of unlocking the mysteries of the Quran. If the prophet of Allah had previously revealed to us the hidden meanings of the Quran then the arrival of Mahamati Prannath would surely had been meaningless.
And remember that the Day of Judgment has already arrived and we are in it. The merit of being at the Day of Judgment is that Allah himself is revealing (or let’s say – Allah himself has revealed) all the unseen meanings of the Quran via Imam Mahdi himself to the mass of his chosen ones. And by doing that, Allah is also doing the promised-judgment to the entire world as previously promised in the Quran. But it is to be kept in mind that only Judgment has occurred. However, the physical destruction of the world and the resurrection of the world are yet to occur!)


The judgment is only understood to have occurred if the inner meanings of every phrases of the Koran that were said are exposed.
(Author’s Note: As I had already mentioned in the previous verse, Judgment Day has already arrived and nobody, not even the greatest Caliphs or the spiritual leaders of Today’s Islamic community are attentive of this very fact.
Inner meanings of the Quran are the unseen meanings of the Quran. These meanings could only be understood via thoroughly looking at the wisdom of Mahamati Prannath, the promised Imam Mahdi!)


The hidden secrets of the world beyond Noor are incomprehensible for everyone. Without Imam Mahdi, none could capably utter from their mouth, not even a word!
(Author’s Note: Noor is an Arabic term for the divinity of God. The world beyond Noor here in this verse right here means Lahut. Lahut is an Arabic term for the heaven of Allah. The description of Lahut is provided by Imam Mahdi – Mahamati Prannath himself as an inseparable element of his wisdom. I will not come to that now. But keep in mind that none has got that power to utter not even a single word of the description of Lahut except for Imam Mahdi – Mahamati Prannath himself!)


When the hidden meanings of the Mushaf has been unraveled and when Imam Mahdi sits here doing the unraveling of Koran then how would the people of the world stay segmented and un-unified?
(Author’s Note: Very soon, a time shall approach that people of the world will get acquainted with the knowledge given by Mahamati Prannath and after that time the whole world would get automatically unified in the one universal religion of Mahamati Prannath. The word “Mushaf” means Quran.)


Now that the promised Imam Mahdi had arrived along with unraveling the hidden meanings of the Koran, the "Noor" of Imam Mahdi penetrated and will keep on penetrating everybody. And thus the entire world came and will keep coming towards the one religion of Allah.
(Author’s Note: Here, Noor means the divine light that never existed in this world but arrived in an impossible-to-occur fashion by the virtue of the arrival of Isa Ruh Allah and Imam Mahdi. And remember that the globalization of the religion of Mahamati Prannath is inevitable.)


The signs or the gestures that have been given in the Koran are great. The "Noor" of Imam is great which could not be described in words.
(Author’s Note: It is to be remembered that the glory of Mahamati Prannath cannot be ever described in Earthly words.)

20:57 – 

Why could anybody possibly tolerate the Noor (Author’s note: Noor here divine illumination) of the God of home? That is why God promised earlier to send Israfil later so that nobody would get perplexed in identifying him.
(Author’s Note: The divine illumination of Allah is simply - very intolerable. This is the primary reason why Allah had to send the angel Israfil in order to reveal his identity to the entire world. Here, God of home in this verse means Allah. Remember that Lahut is the home of Meher Raj Thakur’s spirit. That is why the phrase – “God of home” has been used here.)


When the mysteries of Koran are unlocked, then understand that Imam Mahdi has arrived. Then understand that the time of final hour has arrived and Islam will give bliss to the entire world.
(Author’s Note: Islam is the religion that will give bliss to the entire world. Note that the knowledge given by Mahamati Prannath gives bliss. This is the type of spiritual bliss that nobody would have had experienced ever before in their life.)


From the time of the revelation of Koran till now, nobody unveiled the Koran. With the holiness of Imam Muhammed Mahdi, Koran shall be unveiled to everybody.
(Author’s Note: Here, “till now” in the first line refers to the time when Sanandh was revealed by Mahamati. And by the command of Allah, Sanandh shall be known to everybody in this world and thus the true meanings of the Koran shall be known.)


Worldly people consider Koran as an ordinary religious script like of theirs. But these blind-hearted peoples are unaware of the fact that the Koran is beyond words and speeches.
(Author’s Note: There are many people in this world who take Koran lightly. But very soon they will be proven the truthfulness of the Koran.)

20:61 -

This Quran is not the word of deceit. Every other religious script is deceitful. Right now at this final hour, Imam Mahdi shall display the exact power of the book of Rasul.
(Author’s Note: This particular verse could ignite rage in you especially if you are a non-Muslim. This is the revelation of Mahamati Prannath according to whom all the religious scripts in this world except the Koran is merely a deceit. Not only that, Mahamati Prannath promises to display the EXACT POWER of Koran right here in this verse. And by God, he kept his promise. And remember that Mahamati had revealed 18,758 verses and this verse that I have translated is only the tip of the iceberg.)


I shall be back soon with the 21st chapter of Sanandh.